ISS College of Teacher Education, Perinthalmanna in collaboration with IQAC’s MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur and Department of Education, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindigul and organised Two Days International Multidisciplinary Online Conference on Experiential Learning – Holistic Approach in Education on 29th and 30th November,2022.
We are thankful to the Management of the Islamic Service Society, Perinthalmanna for the continued support and encouragement. We thank the Resource Persons – Dr. Matthew Witenstein – University of Dayton and Dr. Wondifraw Dejene – Dire Dawa University for their valuable insights. We thank our Guest of Honour – Dr. Sunita Magre for her valuable address.
Thank you Dr. Jahitha Begum for your collaboration.
We appreciate the efforts of all paper presenters for their valued presentation.
We had over 60 presenters across the two days conference.